Sunday, August 7, 2011

Dear Dad

Dear Dad,           
                You died yesterday. I have a massive void in my heart. I look back on all the years, and the times you tried, in vain, to reach out to me, and I cry. I should have treated you better. You didn’t deserve my harsh judgment, resentment, and treatment. You and I never had a close relationship, after I got older and came to the conclusion that you were no good. I didn’t stop to ask why or wanted to reason with it. You were half responsible for me being in the world, and thus, responsible for raising me. I hated you. I hated you so much. I wanted you to feel the weight of the pain I had felt from your absence in my life. I’m sorry. I didn’t know that you had your own demons to contend with and that your pain was equal, or possibly greater, than my own. I didn’t care. My pain was the focus of our relationship. Nothing else mattered. Because of this, I single-handedly sequestered myself from that side of the family. They didn’t matter. I was stupid and blind.
                I remember at last year’s family reunion, I left with one of my best friends after being there for a couple of hours. I couldn’t take the awkward setting and trying to connect with people I didn’t know that well. I wanted familiarity. I remembered you asking me to spend time with, but underneath the asking, it was actually a plea for me to be there. Had I known then that you wouldn’t be here today, I would’ve stayed. Had I known the pain that you were harboring was very real and very lonely, I would have been a lot less selfish.  I should have loved a lot more when you were here and now I’m fighting a losing battle to self-resentment and guilt. Please forgive me, even though I don’t deserve it. I’ve prayed a million times today for God and your forgiveness.
                Fast forward to Tuesday.  It’s been a year since I last saw you. I should have seen you sooner. Two of my aunts came to my house, and gave me the news that you were in the hospital with cancer. I came to see you Wednesday morning.   My aunt pulled me aside and told me some shocking news. You had lung cancer for a year, and you never told anyone. Also, you were dealing with mental illness. No one ever told me that. Before you went into the hospital, you lived alone, in a small house, and you were desperately lonely. I didn’t know the amount of pain and worthlessness you were feeling. I was too focused on me to actually see about you. I don’t think I can ever forgive myself for this. You thought yourself a burden on others, that you allowed yourself to endure tremendous physical and mental pain. Please know that you would never have been a burden. You were and still are amazing.  Seeing you on that hospital bed tore me up beyond belief. I have never felt so much anguish, shame, and regret for myself such as that moment. On Thursday morning, I got the news that you had taken a turn for the worse, and you only had 1 hour left. We rushed to the hospital, but you beat the doctor’s timing, if only for a while. I sat with you until 6 pm, but I promised to be back at 10 pm. On the way home, I got a call saying that you had died. Thank you for holding on enough for me to spend time with you. You were gracious to me, in a way I had not been to you. I didn’t deserve it.
                Thank you for loving me. Thank you for being your amazing self. Thank you for being patient. Thank you for putting up with my hateful self. I realize now that I didn’t deserve you.
                Above all, I thank God for you, even though I didn’t deserve you. Thank God for allowing me to spend time with you. Thank God for His grace that I don’t deserve.
                In closing, dear dad, please know that I love you so much. Please forgive me for not loving you sooner.  You deserved better. I love you with an eternal love.

With love,
Your daughter

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I Will Let God Define Me

Growing up, I always felt as though I didn't fit in anywhere with my family. My mother was loud, opinionated, and needed everyone to know how she felt at any given moment. My brother was the popular, cool guy who didn't have a problem in the dating department. Then there was me— a quiet, shy, and introverted girl. My mother and brother were extremely close, and I never felt as though I fit into my family. I guess, no, I was the black sheep. As I grew up, I spent so much time trying to fit into what I thought would be a perfect fit. You know, have all the pieces fit together perfectly. I was miserable. I love my family deeply, and love them for their differences (for the most part), I just always felt like I was on the outside looking in. I defined myself by who I should be in relation to my family structure.

As I grew older, my friends, teachers, and environment had a primary influence on my life. As a teenager through early adulthood, it is dubbed the "finding yourself" stage of life. Finding out what you wanted to do with your life, partying it up, and all of those things that would bring you, either long or short-term happiness. At least, that's how I thought it should be. I mean my career, and the company I kept would define my life. But I defined myself as one word: empty. All the time I spent thinking that my family, friends, and career status are the only things that should define what type of person I am, filled me with this void. I can't explain it. I felt as though there was something more. I mean, there had to be something more. This feeling, sadly, followed me until recently, but something changed.

What brought about this change?


I realized that I could keep defining myself by the standards of the world, or I could let Him who created me, define me. I am a sinner, and a daughter of wrath. I am redeemed and cleaned by His blood. I am now justified in front of a holy God. Loved beyond what I deserve. No one, and I mean no one, can change a person like Jesus. Anyway that I am defined, I pray that it is because of Him. In other words, I want to be like Him.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Of Introductions and Salutations....

Greetings! Salutations! Salve! Guten Tag! My name is Lenae, and this is my new blog. I pray that anyone who reads this blog is well. My hope for this blog is to grow stronger in my relationship with Christ, by blogging and learning. I pray that God uses my blog for His glory, and not my own. 
